Sunday 22 January 2017

Studio Brief 3 - Picture-book FINAL OUTCOME


I'm really pleased with the outcome! The components just all seem to have worked really well together. The sensitivity to traditional Morris costumes and their textures has propelled a highly crafted approach to image making, channelling the crafting of those costumes and creating a real parallel with the subject. 

The playful characters seem to have worked really well to achieve a sense of mischief and fun without being overly personalised, in fact, they work well as being quite unfamiliar forms as this seems to make the imagery more universal perhaps. I think the fun and vibrant colour palette works just well enough to give a playful aesthetic without becoming over powering of the delicate characters

An element I would like to reflect on however, is the crafting of the final book. On a test copy I trimmed my illustrations using a guillotine, but this proved unreliable so I decided to trim all my pages by hand with a knife and rule. This achieved a much cleaner and more refined finish which I think really aids the success of the finished aesthetic. 
It was interesting making a mock-up on regular paper, and then making the final on cartridge as it was much easier to achieve a cleaner finish with the thicker paper.

In future projects I would be interested to explore printing on rolls of paper so not to require the fragmented structure. Comparing my book to published concertina books, the crisp creases and edges achieved by one long piece seem to create a very refined and sleek profile. Yet the printing constraints of this brief required the fragmented approach and I feel this was a good test of craftsmanship

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