Sunday 22 January 2017

Studio Brief 3 - Picture-book DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT

intended process
I had planned originally to scan my characters and backgrounds in separately and use the selection tool to merge the layers. However, despite scanning my characters in with a block colour grounding, the selection tool was unable to pick up clean edges, and the characters looked very unrefined. Shadows were giving the characters jagged edges. Instead, I decided to scan the characters in directly on top of their backgrounds. This worked really nicely to achieve natural shadows which enhanced the 3D quality of the work
scanning characters on backdrops

- scan character on relevant backdrop
- drop in to scaled image size document (including bleed margin)
- rescale/ crop image accordingly
-adjust levels and saturation
- copy levels layer across all images to ensure consistent aesthetic
- add text (shree devanagari)
-position and size to 32pt
-merge layers and save as tiff file

Dropping these images into InDesign was more difficult as I had to set up 2 different document formats. One booklet document for the double sided printing of the front and back covers, and one single sided document for the inner pages. I was able to manipulate these from the template made in the InDesign workshop, which made the process a lot easier. Having applied a bleed margin to my photoshop documents, I was able to drop my spreads straight into InDesign without any errors or issues.


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