Monday 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 3 - Picture-book CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT

Considering the discussions that took place in my tutorial, I have started to explore character design in light of the comical and mischievous feel we identified in conversation over my research. Exploring shape and line as a means to achieve humour and character is something evident in the work of Marcus Oakley and Rob Hodgson, and so I have studied their practice to inform my practical development. (See separate blog posts) Exaggerated and surreal body shapes have achieved a playful aesthetic so far in my sketches, something I could perhaps enhance even further to really achieve strong comical imagery . 

While these drawings have been done in simple pen, china-graph and pencil, I will need to explore media when I come to developing these. Perhaps I will work towards a refined shape for each character and then start to consider the relevant texture and colours for each one.

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