Sunday 26 March 2017

Studio Brief 3 - Persons of Note ROUGHS

Following on from media testing, I am in a position now where I am progressing towards final outcomes. To gain a better understanding of how I will apply the techniques and processes I have been experimenting with I have sketched out roughs for the various deliverables of the brief.  Having already explored imagery in my initial ideas and development work, the imagery is already in place but this process of making roughs has helped me to visualise how each image will work within the picture area and particular dimensions. 

I feel that roughing is a really useful part of illustration practice as it unlocks new potentials and helps to specify or even simplify the work towards a more resolved and succinct outcome. I have found this to be helpful with the A2 poster as I was really struggling to get my head around how the two characters could interplay with one another through line of sight, yet be at an appropriate depth from one another for the image to be balanced. Working through 5 potential compositions I feel the image has resolved to a coherent outcome

Through sketches I have been able to also explore how the expressions of the characters work in relation to one another and how these can change depending on the positioning of that character. I think from the roughing process I am now ready to start producing my final images in line with my refined intentions.

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