Thursday 23 March 2017

Studio Brief 3 - Persons of Note FURTHER IDEAS DEVELOPMENT


Following on from ideas discussed in my tutorial, I have been working through my sketchbook, considering ways in which I could visually communicate the action of spying and watching. While this is not a sinister, voyeuristic spying, I think the idea of them both watching each other is really key to their relationship and the narrative of The Lady in the Van as a whole. Initially working with ink, I was considering rough actions and scenes that could be used to communicate narrative and elements of the characters' personalities. The textures and line qualities achieved from the ink achieve a really nice aesthetic, revealing marks that enhance the natural foliage elements while also carrying a tone of voice sensitive to the narrative. 

Working through pencil sketches I have visualised multiple ideas in response to the relationship and characters individually, considering activities and events that define their characters, along with events that drive the narrative between them. My intentions are to work with a soft and comical tone of voice, capturing the satirical element of Bennett's writing alongside the warm and feel-good aspect of their relationship. I am intending to develop these drawings through more reduced forms, possibly exploring cut-paper, overlaid with a textural details created with crayons or chinagraph. These may be flexible for development with screen-print of photoshop layering. 

Having had a further conversation with Matt and Jamie about my progress, we've discussed the effect of these sketches and the success of the translation of narrative. Both tutors suggested that these sketches effectively captured the message I had identified in my research and were readily translatable into final images due to their immediacy. I will now look at developing these with appropriate media. 

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