Tuesday 28 March 2017

Studio Brief 3 - Persons of Note FINAL OUTCOMES & REFLECTION

Having now completed the photoshop layering process, I have created a wealth of potential outcomes for my stamp responses, alongside complete postcards and poster. Working from 3 postcards and an A2 poster, I have been able to select and manipulate lots of different details to serve as my stamp designs. My intentions for the stamps were to reveal textural details or even zoom in on visual clues. From the wealth of potential outcomes, I have selected the 4 below as I feel that the set are more coherent in a consistent orientation. With the narrative being defined by and revolving around Alan Bennett and Miss Shepherd, it seems appropriate to have two stamps as homage to these protagonists. 

My ideas for the other two stamps were to reveal something about the connection between the two characters; the van and the garden. As the van inhabits the garden for 15 years, I wanted to focus in on the van and it's relationship with the nature that carries on around it. I feel this is captured successfully within the stamp series. 

I feel quite pleased with the flow of my postcards, having the viewpoint of both characters within one context, and of course, the van, seems to appropriately communicate the key elements of the narrative. I had identified in my initial research that watching and prying was key to the relationship of the characters and I feel I have communicated this well across the outcomes. Cut-paper and digital overlays have worked well to encourage me to work with reduced forms, however, I do feel that the image of Alan at his desk is perhaps over complicated and as such, loses immediacy. 

The poster has been the most successful in communicating the mutual wondering of the protagonists. I feel that this outcome has really benefitted from thorough roughs as there is a clear sense of depth between the figures, yet they both seem to assert a balanced hierarchy. Reduced shapes have benefitted this image by not over complicating the aesthetic. Gestural marks and visual clues have worked to add context and interest, without over-powering the focus on the two characters.

As a whole, I am really pleased with my responses to the brief as I feel I have answered my intentions and thoroughly exhausted other potentials to a point where I feel these are direct and immediate in communicating my intended message. The media works effectively to create a sensitive and nostalgic tone of voice, complimenting reduced forms in their ability to reveal narrative. 

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