Saturday 18 February 2017

Studio Brief 2 - What is image making? USING BIT MAP

Responding to the suggestion to use bit-map as a means to achieve value and tone within the screen print, I've broken my images up into 3 tonal variations. Using a grey fill, I've separated the image into areas that will be block red, block yellow, and two tones of orange where overlays are varied. 

Having not used bit-map before, I'm not too sure how these will work. I've adjusted the frequency of dots to 60% and 300dpi but this could be something that takes a bit of experimentation to get right. 

As I made the positives by scanning in a line drawing, it was difficult to avoid an outline around the shapes. I made the decision to erase this line, hoping that the empty space would contribute to the charm of mis-alignment in the screen-print outcome. 

I will re-evaluate the effect of bit-map after a first run of prints and make adjustments to my positives if necessary. 

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