Friday 3 February 2017

Studio Brief 2 - What is image making? DEPTH & LINE OF SIGHT Over There

Considering the points outlined in the seminar, I went on to make observational drawings that considered depth and viewpoint. The body of drawings were made looking out of the same window, but took in various viewpoints, observing the aesthetic of the same buildings from different angles.

With the brief to create a diorama or layered drawing through deconstruction of drawings, I tried to work with more simplified drawings, capturing basic shapes and surface details. In deconstruction of these, I altered the scale of the components to exaggerate the distance between the layers and accentuate the sense of depth.

I feel the outcome captured a good sense of depth through scale and overlapping, however the outcome did not necessarily achieve a diorama effect as I chose not to leave gaps between my layers. This was a choice, mainly for ease of production within the time frame. I would be interested to explore depth in a more 3D sense on future work. 

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