Thursday 3 November 2016

Studio Brief 1 - What is drawing? LINE QUALITY

Following on from experimentation with line quality, I have applied my test lines to 30 drawings of my visual subject. Due to the regular shapes in the tree-houses I had explored previously, I decided to change subjects to pirates to see how abstract lines could alter the effect or interpretation of character and the more irregular shapes they might encompass.

Working through fluid, gestural lines, to more textural, expressive lines, the drawings show a variety of outcomes. Ink and dry brush offered both soft fluidity and texture, creating line work with incidental curiosities. I found that ink on palette knife issued a sense of resistance and so those drawings lost information in place of texture. In contrast, china-graph pencil achieved a lovely line quality through its natural textures and could be applied with greater control over shape and tone.

From the body of drawings I've made, I'm a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to create more polished outcomes. This is something I could work towards by considering scale and subject so that the line qualities compliment the problem I am trying to solve

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