Thursday 5 October 2017

Studio Brief 1 IDEAS PICTURES - 60 Roughs

Within an editorial context, I have approached my idea generation from the point of view of a specific article theme they could accompany;

-How does Shakespeare employ ridicule to drive didactic messages? 

-How does theatre serve as an arena for transgression of social codes? 

-To what extent is twinning used as a comedic device in Shakespeare's plays?

My intent for practice across my study of Shakespeare is to explore the translation of narrative and message across international media, considering the visual legacy and awareness of plays carried by visual media. The carnivalesque and topsy-turvy worlds are pivotal to his comedies and so my roughs channel playful and lighthearted responses to narrative content.

-exaggeration of character is strong
-do you need a body? could the focus be on the stupidity of the rough
-combine line and figure to create more abstract imagery
-enhance sense of entrapment
-explore squashed character within an open landscape, paradoxical and subversive imagery
-consider restrictions of primary colour wo attain playful aesthetic

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