Tuesday 10 October 2017

Studio Brief 1 IDEAS PICTURES - Refinement of Roughs

Developing on my initial roughs, I have carried forward the elements of nuissance, confinement and ridicule but begun to explore how these images can best occupy the space. The image of confinement required the most play as the posture and stance of the character is pivotal to the level of entrapment communicated by the image.

I feel that re-roughing my images has aided me to achieve much stronger compositions that use line of sight and picture area much more to their advantage. Translating these through collages has also provided clarification of tone and colour as I have been able to explore the values of notan and how these interplay with narrative.

-Consider vingettes
-Explore a darker background for the twin image to change weight and tone
-Experiment with monochrome and one primary colour in each to explore a fluid consisency
-Continuous aesthetic achieved through costume and character. 

In order to achieve immediate editorial images, I need to carry out further media experimentation to ensure a clarity of aesthetic and ensure that the drawings translate fully as cut-paper collages. 

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