Saturday 30 September 2017

Study Task 1 - About The Author Zine


- Consistency of aeshetic achieves sophistication
- The consideration of media and texture achieves a playfulness relevant to the tone of voice
- Content takes a unique stance on the author, considering sub-topics and secondary characters appropriate to my intent to educate
- Addresses the problem of the accessibility of Shakespeare through universal and comical imagery
-Reduced colour palette achieves the appropriate tone of voice while maintaining a clarity and consistency complimentary to the communication of narrative
- Production and construction of the final zine is neat and well formatted


- The author may not be immediate to somebody who doesn't know much about Shakespeare's comedies, despite the visual language being universal of humour and playfulness
- The charcoal pencil has interfered with some of the block colours to create distracting transfers
- The fragmented hand lettering works to compliment the wider aesthetic and tone of voice but lacks clarity in areas
- Could I consider applying some more traditional material appropriate to the context of Shakespeare

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