Thursday 28 September 2017

503 About The Author - Initial Sketchbook Ideas

Carrying forward the identified theme of Shakespeare's sensitivity to the comedic nature of human beings, I wish to start my visual journal exploring character and motifs. Pivotal to my interpretation of Shakespeare's comedies is ridicule and stupidity and so character will be central to the visual development of my work. 

Within wider visual culture, Shakespeare only seems prominent through his tragedies so I would like to use this brief as an opportunity to push the visual legacy of his comedies, particularly focussing on accessibility and universality.

Initial drawings have just served as a way of visualising potential interpretations of characters and the scenes they may interact in appropriate to my identified themes. My intent of practice is to capture the secondary characters and their role within the comedic development of the plays. From studying several texts, it seems that secondary characters often drive a lot of the transgression and ridicule, so it seems appropriate to focus on these in order to achieve a playful and comedic outcome that achieves my intent to encourage knowledge of Shakespeare's comedies


- If Shakespeare used comedy to challenge social codes and ridicule his society, how can I use illustration to extend this?

- Illustration as an extension or enhancement of text - what elements do I wish to extend or enhance? 

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