Friday 2 March 2018


There were several briefs that appealed to me for this module, and so I deconstructed 2 in line with my intent for practice and goals for the module. The Manchester Art Gallery brief seemed like a perfect opportunity to work within a museum context and within my usual tone of voice, working to a family and particularly child orientated audience. However, this brief would ask me to produce something in a similar channel to that of my COP work, on the theme of accessible cultural collections. As such, I am moving forward with the Hookworms brief. This gives me the opportunity to work under a tone of voice very different to usual, and to drive my consideration and application of type. I am also interested to use this module to propel my placement within the art community and a project for a local band at a local venue is fitting, as well as the requirement to screen print and sell the final outcomes, offering an opportunity to be actively involved in the event itself

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