Thursday, 23 February 2017

Studio Brief 2 - Act of Kindness INITIAL IDEAS

As a starting point for our new brief we worked through a grid, aiming to simplify step-by-step, how we could communicate an action. This was a great exercise in getting me to thing about reduced details and key visual information. While I think I did achieve more simplified images, my final cut paper outcome seemed a little backwards of the progress I had achieved. The hands definitely achieved a more simplified outcome by cropping closely into these, but I feel the decorative details on the yoyo were perhaps unnecessary, merely decorative. This is something to take forward into my design work however, that shape and form carry greater clues than decorative details. 
-feed the birds
-shine brighter than the sun
-give flowers
-share your heart
-send a letter
-knit for the needy
-be a clean bean
-jazzy socks make happy feet
-look after squirrels
-nourish your imagination
-look after yourself
-encourage play

Having formulated a list of potential subjects for may act of kindness, I've started working through these, considering basic motifs that I could use to encourage the act. At the moment, some are proving easier than others. The actions that can rely on one subject rather than an interplay of two seem to be easier to simplify as less visual devices are required. At this stage in my sketchbook, the jazzy socks are seeming to be quite successful in simplicity, and the flowers also. I think this is because it is easy to identify the action in these images without necessarily needing any secondary clues. 

To attempt to achieve simplicity in the more complex actions, I am intending to work through a simplification process similar to that carried out in the studio task, working towards a reduced cut paper outcome. This should hopefully enable me to visualise the designs in their most basic forms, lending the work to development with vectors.

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