Friday, 17 February 2017

Studio Brief 1 - I See Faces PRODUCTION OF GIFS

Now in the production stages of the gif project, I am working towards final outcomes, using templates from my flip-books and rendering these though photoshop development. For the hand-drawn gif, I have created a simple water-colour grounding which forms the body of the figure in every-single frame. This is over-layed with pencil marks to determine the alterations between each frame, also scanned in and placed on photoshop. While the hand-drawn gif should show hand-qualities and natural curiosities, I felt that working with a consistent grounding made the most sense as the watercolour would vary too much from frame to frame if each grounding was unique.

For the digital gif I have been working with hand-drawn outlines of each frame, used as templates to colour digitally in photoshop. While this process works to maintain a consistent colour palette and the hand-drawn outlines are more accurate than a digital translation, I have struggled to achieve clean edges from the selection and fill process. This could be something to refine by exploring making the characters with digital shapes. 

Photography has worked really well for the 3D gif as I have been able to re-appropriate existing objects by simply photographing them and working into them with digital drawing. This way I have been able to echo the blocky qualities of my characters in material forms and achieve visual interest through shadow. I am now in the process of adding digital details using the pencil tool on photoshop, merging media as shown in the gif work of Ed Cheverton.

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