Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Studio Brief 2 - What is image making? 3 ELEMENTS CHALLENGE

Following on from the initial discussions around compositional elements, we were set the task of creating a composition that incorporates 3 given elements. It was interesting to work to given constraints as this offered the chance to work in a similar way to an editorial context, working to the constraints given by an art director. Working with these three components seemed rather challenging as I feel it is easy to give yourself briefs that are easy to achieve, selecting complimentary components for example. So the 3 elements challenge has really worked to encourage me to explore how composition can insert meaning and aid the coherence of an image

-S U B M A R I N E
-M A N   I N   S U I T
-T E N N I S   R A C K E T

I attempted to formulate as many scenarios as possible from the 3 components, aiming to draw less-conventional scenes from the subjects. I quite liked the roughs I made for the diving scene as this seemed to incorporate all 3 elements in a way that seemed to make sense, perhaps the elements were in a believable context. However, I felt that the elements of composition, particularly picture area and line of sight, begged a more interesting image. Working within a tighter frame and closer cropping I used one leg to capture the subject of the man and this allowed me to make better use of the picture area, using overlapping to create a sense of hierarchy and depth. 

I am quite pleased with the outcome as I feel the framing allows the image to nod to each component without them all fighting to be seen in full. I would say however, that value needs to be more considered in future work as there is not much variation. 

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